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10 Proven Ways To Manage Work Anxiety And Improve Your Well Being

Writer: regenesysagencyregenesysagency

If you’re stuck in a rut and stressed, anxious or depressed about the state of your work-life balance, then I’d like to suggest that what’s holding you back is fear.

Fear of letting down family members who are looking to you as an example of someone who holds it together. Fear of revealing yourself to your employer only to find out that they don’t care either way, because after all, it’s just business, right?

Some of the most common false limitations include the need to please others – fear of letting down family or friends through a lack of effort. The inability to set boundaries – believing that work is everything and that your employer will fire you if you don’t comply with their demands.

Fear of being more productive at work – thinking that the more you do, the better your chances of promotion and benefits. It isn’t true! More often than not, employers value quality over quantity.

The need to justify your work – you feel that any time spent away from the office is time wasted.

These false limitations are deceiving because they seem so logical, yet in reality, they’re based on self-limiting beliefs formed in childhood and adolescence. Why? Because these limiting beliefs become our “truth” as we grow up and eventually enter the workforce. It happens for two reasons:

  1. We see others around us who embrace these same values, reinforcing our subconscious perception of what’s acceptable or even required by employers, peers, or family members.

  2. Very few people are willing to discuss this issue publicly for fear of being judged; therefore, there’s no free flow of truthful information about how to avoid burnout at work.

I’ve discovered that these false limitations affect us all, regardless of age, gender, or professional experience. The bottom line? Getting stuck in a toxic work environment takes a toll on your physical and mental well-being.

This guide aims to help you break free from stress at work without having to quit your job. Here are ten proven strategies that you can use immediately:

Table of Contents

10 Proven Strategies To Manage Work Anxiety

  1. Set manageable goals for yourself

  2. Question your beliefs about work

  3. Stop trying to be a perfectionist

  4. Accept that mistakes happen

  5. Know when to put your work aside and recharge

  6. Eat Healthy Foods

  7. Get plenty of sleep

  8. Don’t let other people dictate whether or not you feel satisfied with your job

  9. Complete one thing at a time

  10. Be mindful

1) Set manageable goals for yourself

Setting manageable goals will improve both your productivity and quality of work. In addition, it boosts your confidence while inspiring others around you. You’ll probably notice a positive difference after just four short weeks!

2) Question your beliefs about work

You might be surprised to learn that your limiting beliefs hold you back. By adopting a healthier outlook, you’ll begin to find your perfect work-life balance naturally.

3) Stop trying to be a perfectionist

Your goal should be to achieve 80-90% accuracy in your work, and then you can move on. Perfectionist mindset is a form of avoidance, not something to strive for.

4) Accept that mistakes happen

If you focus on fixing them one-by-one, your workflow will improve. It will also boost your confidence because it’s reassuring to know that you’re moving closer to the result by finishing one task.

5) Know when to put your work aside and recharge

When you feel overwhelmed or have low energy, it’s time to take a break from being “on-call” all the time. Try practicing habits like going for a walk, talking with a friend, or relaxing in a nice hot bath. If you don’t have time to decompress at the end of the day, try doing it at lunch instead – many companies will let you take a short break!

6) Eat Healthy Foods

Make healthy food choices by packing yourself some sandwiches from home to don’t have to settle for fast food. Not only will this save money, but it’ll also improve your mood because healthy foods are full of nutrients that help reduce stress hormones such as cortisol. In other words, cutting back on junk food makes sense!

7) Get plenty of sleep

Get plenty of sleep each night because it’s challenging to be productive at work when you’re feeling tired. In addition, studies have shown that even a day or two of inadequate sleep can make you more susceptible to illness.

8) Don’t let other people dictate whether or not you feel satisfied with your job

If you don’t like working for someone else, then why are you still there? It’s time to take control! There are plenty of self-employed opportunities out there which can help improve your sense of freedom and decrease the amount of stress in your life at the same time.

9) Complete one thing at a time

Learn to balance your work with the rest of your life because trying to do it all can be overwhelming and unsustainable. By completing one task at a time, you’ll be able to spot potential problems right away and make changes accordingly.

10) Be mindful

Take a few minutes each day to practice the art of mindfulness. Be mindful of what you say because it can have a positive or negative effect on other people. The next time someone tells you about their problems, try giving them some advice instead of just listening – they’ll feel supported instead of burdened!

Final Thoughts:

When you’re feeling overwhelmed at work, remember that solutions are always available to help improve your situation. If you think that stress is beginning to affect your mental health, then remember – You are not alone!

I hope this article provides you with some valuable tips for improving your mental well-being. If you’d like to share any thoughts on this subject, please leave a comment below. Have a nice day!

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